聆听韵贯千载的琵琶之声 - 西安石油大学 - 瞭望丝路长安 聚焦能源未来 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Looking at the Silk Road in Chang’an, Focusing on the Future of Energy

瞭望丝路长安 聚焦能源未来

The Thousands-Year Rhyme of Pipa


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In the long history of the China, Pipa art has been a bright and colorful stroke with its unique charm. Pipa is also known as "Pi Ba", a plucked string instrument. It was introduced into the mainland via Kucha from India during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. After continuous spread and evolution, it flourished during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, forming a unique music art of China.


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