汉中剪纸 - 陕西理工大学 - 陕西理工大学“汉语桥——汉文化感知体验”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese-Bridge-Experience of Chinese Culture” Online Exchange Program from Shanxi University of Technology


Hanzhong Paper-Cutting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The teaching purpose of Hanzhong paper-cutting is to summarizes the characteristics of paper-cutting, unique decoration, Hanzhong city as well as the inheritance of Hanzhong paper-cutting through its works, and let students have an overview of Hanzhong geographical position, long history, culture, natural geographical environment and climate, and languages, customs, dietary factors such as the formation of the Hanzhong city's unique culture and custom. In this course, the folk paper-cutting with Hanzhong characteristics is also a county-level intangible cultural heritage protection project, which enables students to understand the folk paper-cutting and folk application in Hanzhong.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程