胶东海洋民俗文化 - 威海海洋职业学院 - 中国海洋科技文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Experience of China‘s Marine Science, technology and culture


Jiaodong Ocean Folk Culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Jiaodong Peninsula refers to a part of Shandong Peninsula to the east of Jiaolai River. The coastline is more than 1,800 kilometers long. The administrative area includes Qingdao City, Yantai City and Weihai City. The life of Jiaodong people is closely related to the ocean, and they have accumulated a lot of marine experience in the long-term production practice, thus forming the unique marine folk culture of Jiaodong Peninsula. Through expert lectures, this course enables students to fully understand and experience the characteristic marine folk culture of Jiaodong.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程