推动世界的科技之光——中国科技 - 东北师范大学 - “推动世界的科技之光——中国科技”东北师范大学线上交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“The Light that Drives the World - Science and Technology in China” Northeast Normal University Online Camp


The Light that Drives the World - Science and Technology in China


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The overall framework of the course is: the leapfrogging of China's scientific and technological strength is the main theme, reflecting three dimensions: the huge progress of scientific and technological innovation; leading the first driving force of development; and continuing to play the key role. China's commitment to the centrality of innovation in the overall context of modernization is vividly described in this course.

课程整体构架为:围绕中国的科技实力的跨越式提升为主线,体现三个维度:科技创新进步巨大; 引领发展第一动力;继续扮演关键角色。生动描述中国坚持创新在现代化建设全局中的核心地位。

General Courses 通用课程