美食中国:一日三餐与八大菜系 - 浙江理工大学 - “五彩华夏 魅力中国” - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Colorful Huaxia, Charming China”

“五彩华夏 魅力中国”

A Taste of China: Three Meals of the Day and Eight Cuisines of the Country


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese cuisine is famous all around the world and it's food culture has a long, rich history. From Three Meals of the Day to the Eight Cuisines of the Country, different parts of China produces different specialties of food with various flavours of culture. This course will take students through the common Chinese folk's three meals of the day, discover eating habits around China, understand the origins of the Eight Cuisines of the Country and experience China's profound food culture.


General Courses 通用课程