宫保鸡丁技艺展示 - 乐山职业技术学院 - 展翅“汉语桥”开启中文+烹饪工艺体验之旅冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge On Line Winter Camp Chinese +Cooking Skill


How to cook Kung Pao Chicken


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course will show you how to make Kung Pao Chicken. Kung Pao Chicken is a famous traditional cuisine at China and abroad. The origin of this cuisine is related to the fried diced chicken with soy sauce in Shandong cuisine and the diced chicken with chili in Guizhou cuisine. Later, it was improved and carried forward by Ding Baozhen, governor of Shandong and governor of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, forming a new dish - Kung Pao Chicken. Kung Pao Chicken is made of chicken with peanut, pepper and other auxiliary materials. The cuisine entrance is fresh and spicy and the freshness of chicken matched the crispness of peanuts, red but not spicy, strong spicy flavor, smooth and crisp.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程