领略北语校园生活 - 北京语言大学 - 新技术、新思维——中国传统文化的现代传播 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

New Forms, New Thinking: Contemporary Expression of Traditional Chinese Culture


Life in Beijing Language and Cultural University


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The environment of BLCU campus is elegant and the student life is rich and colorful. Today let Ray, an international student of BLCU, guide us to appreciate the campus. BLCU is known as the Mini-United Nations, it is the only university of its kind in China that specializes in offering Chinese language and culture courses to foreign students. Meanwhile, BLCU provides professional courses in various fields, such as foreign languages, Chinese language, information science, economics, arts, psychology, pedagogy, linguistics and other majors to Chinese students. Near 60 years of development has made BLCU a multidisciplinary university that featured in language and culture education and research, a significant academic center for Chinese and foreign language and culture studies, and the cradle for advanced international talents in China.


General Courses 通用课程