中国传统体育导赏——弹弓术、射箭 - 北京体育大学 - 2021年北京体育大学“以武为桥,怡养身心”线上体验秋令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Beijing Sport University Taking Wushu as a Bridge, rturing Body and Mind 2021 Online Experiential Learning Programs


Appreciation of Chinese Traditional Sports - Slingshot and Archery


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This class mainly introduces two Chinese traditional sports, slingshot shooting and archery, focusing on their development history, cultural etiquette and other aspects. Through the interactive and game-based teaching of related Chinese characters, expressions and sentences, students will learn about the traditional slingshot and archery, as well as oracle bone inscriptions, and experience the charm of traditional archery culture of China as a country whose people value etiquette highly.


General Courses 通用课程