中国传统体育导赏——放风筝、踢毽子 - 北京体育大学 - 2021年北京体育大学“以武为桥,怡养身心”线上体验秋令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Beijing Sport University Taking Wushu as a Bridge, rturing Body and Mind 2021 Online Experiential Learning Programs


Appreciation of Chinese Traditional Sports - Kite Flying and Jianzi Kicking


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This class mainly introduces two Chinese traditional sports, kite flying and jianzi kicking. It will start from an ancient Chinese poem and a riddle respectively to introduce the development history, classification and key movements of the two sports and how to make a kite and jianzi by hand. Through the classroom teaching and interactive exercises of key expressions, sentence patterns and Chinese characters, students will have a deep understanding of the two Chinese traditional sports, learn about the Chinese language, practice the movements of the sports and experience the traditional sports culture.


General Courses 通用课程