初级商务汉语 - 对外经济贸易大学 - 2021“汉语桥”对外经济贸易大学 “中俄友谊长存”主题线上体验营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Long live the Russia-China Friendship”——2021 Chinese Bridge Online Camp @ UIBE

2021“汉语桥”对外经济贸易大学 “中俄友谊长存”主题线上体验营

Basic Business Chinese


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Course Title: Basic Business Chinese Course Prerequisites: Interested in Chinese business practice and business etiquette; Chinese language background not required. Course Learning Outcomes: Learn quite a lot of useful words and expressions in Chinese; Be able to practice new-learned Chinese in small groups to improve Chinese level and practical ability; Understand Chinese business practice and business etiquette. Course Content: 4 topics: "Business Trip", "Business Contact", "Business Visit", "Business Banquets"; 12 hours of Chinese study in total, 3 hours for each topic: Self-study 1 hour + Live Chinese class 1 hour + Online group tutoring 1 hour.



教学目标: 扩大学习者商务汉语词汇量,提高学习者的汉语水平和实际运用能力,帮助学员初步了解中国的商务知识与商务礼仪。


General Courses 通用课程