西安城墙 - 西安外国语大学 - 古都西安云游学 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learning the ancient capital of Xi’an


The Xi’an City Wall


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Dear friends, have you ever been to the Xi'an City Wall? Do you know what the Xi'an City Wall is composed of and how to distinguish among its gates? What are its functions and roles? If you want to know these, be sure to watch this video. Through it, you can not only feel the unique charm of the Xi'an City Wall, but can also learn more about it, sorting out its history of development, exploring the hidden secrets behind it, and what it looks like in the eyes of the local people.

亲爱的外国朋友们,你去过西安的城墙吗?你知道西安城墙都包含哪些部分吗?怎么区分它的城门吗?它的功能作用都有哪些呢? 如果你想了解这些,就一定不要错过这个视频。通过它,你不仅可以感受到西安城墙的独特魅力,还可以了解到更多关于西安城墙的知识,梳理西安城墙发展的历史脉络,探索西安城墙背后隐藏的秘密以及本地人眼中的西安城墙。

Course Syllabus


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