中国人文地理 - 北京理工大学 - 北京理工大学2020 年孔子学院线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge-BIT 2020 Online Winter Camp

北京理工大学2020 年孔子学院线上冬令营

Chinese Culture and Geography


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China is one of the four ancient civilizations. It boasts a vast territory as well as a rich and profound culture. Chinese culture is diverse and unique, yet harmoniously blended — an invaluable asset to the world. The course of Chinese Culture and Geography consists of 4 chapters, including Geography and Climate, Population, Ethnic Groups, Religions and Beliefs. The study of the course opens the way for foreign students to acquire some knowledge about Chinese culture and geography, and stimulate their interest in learning Chinese. Our goal is to help foreign students better understand China.

中国是四大文明古国之一,这里地域辽阔,文化博大精深。中国文化多元而独特,彼此和谐的地融合在一起——成为世界的宝贵财富。中国人文地理课程分四个章节,包括地理与气候、人口、民族、宗教和信仰。本课程的学习为外国学生学习中国文化和地理知识提供了路径, 激发他们学习汉语的兴趣。目的是帮助外国学生更好地了解中国。

General Courses 通用课程