Chengdu Normal University


Chengdu Normal University is a full-time undergraduate university, founded in 1955. With more than 17,000 full-time students, the university now has 15 schools and 39 undergraduate majors, covering 10 disciplines of education, literature, science, engineering, art, economics, law, management, history and agriculture. Chengdu Normal University actively carries out international cooperation and exchanges with universities and research institutions outside the country. The university has established inter-scholarstic relationships with universities and institutions in the United States, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and several other countries. The university has taken several new steps on student exchange programs as well as paid internships abroad. The university has taken the initiative to regionally serve the social and economic needs of Sichuan basic education. Through the university motto of “Love, Truth, Determination, and Excellence” and following the regularity of Students’ growth, success and division, Chengdu Normal University strives to practice the educational philosophy of “developing life-long students”.

成都师范学院是全日制普通本科院校,创建于1955年。学校现有全日制在校学生17000余人,现设有15个二级学院,普通本科专业39个,涵盖教育学、文学、理学、工学、艺术学、经济学、法学、管理学、历史学、农学10个学科门类。学校面向世界,积极开展与国(境)外高校和科研机构的合作交流,先后与美国、新西兰、捷克、马来西亚、泰国、韩国、印度尼西亚等国家的大学及研究机构建立了校际交流关系。学校通过海外留学、合作办学、国际交换生以及海外带薪实习等多种形式在教育国际化方面迈出了新的步伐。学校遵循学生成长、成才、成师的规律,弘扬“爱、真、笃、为” 的校训,践行“让学生在成都师范学院这段生活成为人生有价值的旅程”的教育理念构建以学生为中心的人才培养体系。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程