Heilongjiang Communications Polytechnic


Founded in 1946, Heilongjiang Communications Polytechnic (“HCP”) is a state-run higher vocational college affiliated to the Department of Education of Heilongjiang Province. It is one of the higher vocational colleges with the longest history in the rail transport sector in China. HCP was rated as the first batch of elite higher vocational colleges of Heilongjiang in 2014, the National Modern Apprenticeship Pilot Organization in 2018, and the first batch of excellent high-level higher vocational colleges of Heilongjiang in 2021. HCP has also won multiple honorary titles in recent years, such as “Outstanding Organization in Talent Cultivation and Management”, “Group Award for High-Quality of Teaching Management”, and “Student Affairs Excellence Award” of the Heilongjiang Provincial Level. HCP has six campuses both in Harbin and Qiqihar, situating in a 710,000m2 space with buildings occupying 260,000m2. There are 681 faculty members and 17,161 full-time higher vocational students. HCP offers 22 majors, including 9 for rail transportation enterprises, 5 for railway engineering enterprises, 4 for information engineering enterprises, 2 for grain engineering enterprises, and 2 for equipment manufacturers. HCP features high-caliber faculty members, outstanding majors, complete training bases, and high-quality employment. With the education philosophy of “Serving the transportation industry and radiating across China with a focus on Heilongjiang”, HCP launches academic programs in consideration of industrial features and follows the new path of collaborative development of enterprises, universities, and research institutions. HCP is committed to establishing a first-class featured railway vocational college in China and cultivating high-quality technical talents who adapt to the regional economic development, satisfy the needs for the development of social undertakings, and boast creative spirit and practical abilities.

黑龙江交通职业技术学院是隶属于黑龙江省教育厅的公办高职院校,始建于1946年,是我国铁道交通行业办学历史最悠久的高职学院之一。学院2014年成为黑龙江省首批优秀骨干高等职业院校,2018年入选国家现代学徒制试点单位,2021年成为黑龙江省首批优秀高水平高职院校。近年来学院先后获得黑龙江省“管理育人先进单位” “教学管理质量集体奖”“学生工作先进集体”等荣誉称号。

学院在哈尔滨和齐齐哈尔市现有6个校区,占地面积71万平方米,建筑面积26万平方米,教职工681人,全日制普通高职在校生17161人。开设22个专业,其中面向铁道运输企业专业9个,面向铁道工程企业专业5个,面向信息工程企业专业4个,面向粮食工程和装备制造企业专业各2个,师资力量雄厚、专业特色突出、实训基地完备、就业质量高。 学院坚持“立足龙江,服务交通,辐射全国”的办学定位,致力于培养适应区域经济发展和社会事业发展需求、具有创新精神和实践能力的高素质技术技能人才;质量立校,特色强校,围绕行业办专业,走校企合作,产、学、研结合的高职办学之路,努力把学院建设成国内一流的铁道特色高职院校。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程