Zaozhuang University



Relying on the culture of “the living ancient Canal” and “the last remaining heritage village of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal”, we try to build a “bridge of friendship, a bridge of culture, a bridge of exchange, a bridge of soul and a bridge of peace”of China with you; so that you can feel the originality of Lu Ban and Mo-tse culture, and understand the profound beauty of Chinese civilization.

依托“活着的古运河”“ 京杭运河仅存的遗产村庄”文化,搭建你与中国的“友谊之桥、文化之桥、交流之桥、心灵之桥、和平之桥”;感受班墨匠心文化,领悟中华文明深邃之美。

General Courses 通用课程