Founded in 1984 in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province (the hometown of Chairman Mao Zedong) , Changsha Social Work College (CSWC) was jointly established by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China and Hunan Province and directly administered under Hunan Provincial Education Department. It is one of the first National Demonstration Vocational Colleges. CSWC is included in the national plan of developing distinctive high-level vocational colleges and disciplines. Based on social work, CSWC serves the society with employment-oriented talent cultivation programs. Guided by the motto of “Universal Love, Virtue, Knowledge, and Dedication”, it pursues synergy between industries, academia, and research to cultivate high-caliber skilled personnel. CSWC has nine schools,41specialties, two national high-level specialty groups-- “Smart Elderly Care Service and Management” and “Modern Funeral Technology and Management”; two provincial first-class specialty groups--“Electronic Commerce”and“Intelligent Control Technology”,. One of the first batch of National Demonstration Higher Vocational Colleges and National High-quality Higher Vocational Colleges; Included in the National Plan of Developing Disdinctive High-level Vocational Colleges and Disciplines.
长沙民政职业技术学院创办于1984年,位于伟人毛泽东故里湖南省长沙市,是国家民政部和湖南省人民政府共建、湖南省教育厅直属公办 普通高等院校,是全国首批国家示范性高等职业院校、中国特色高水平 高职学校和专业建设计划建设单位。学校立足民政 、服务社会,以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,走产学研结合的发展道路,培养具有“ 爱众亲仁”道德精神和“ 博学笃行”,专业品质的高素质技能型专门人才。学校设有9个二级学院,41个专业; 有“智慧健康养老服务与管理”和“现代殡葬技术与管理”2个国家高水平专业群;有“电子商务”、“ 智能控制技术”2个湖南省高水平专业群。
Summer Camp 团组