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Taiyuan University


Brief Introduction to Taiyuan University


太原学院地处三晋文脉聚集地,有着 2500 年建城史的三晋古都,山西省省会太原。学院地理位置优越,信息畅达、交通便利。2002年12月,原太原大学、太原师范学校、太原市教育学院合并为新的太原大学。2013 年 4 月,经教育部批准升格为全日制综合类普通本科院校,更名为太原学院。

太原学院的办学历史最早可以追溯到 1905 年成立的“山西官立师范学堂”、1910 年成立的“山西省立女子师范学堂”和 1919 年成立的“山西省立国民师范学校”,这几所学校办学历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,其优良传统和文化精神一直影响着学院的成长。

学科涵盖工学、理学、文学、经济学、管理学、艺术学、农学、教育学八个学科门类,本科专业 37 个。学院设有 1个学院(马克思主义学院)、13 个教学系、1个教学部(公共体育教学部)、2 个教学中心(公共实验中心、工程训练中心)和 1 个继续教育学院。

 学院注重科研强校。近年来,发表论文 1100 篇,主持省(部)级以上项目 290 项,出版各类专著(译著)115部,专利129项,省级科研平台4个。



Taiyuan University is located in Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province, which is the gathering place of Sanjin culture, and also the ancient capital of Sanjin with a history of 2500 years. The University The college is ideally located, with smooth information and convenient transportation. In December 2002, the original Taiyuan University, Taiyuan Normal School, and Taiyuan Institute of Education were merged into the new Taiyuan University. In April 2013, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was upgraded to a full-time comprehensive undergraduate University and renamed Taiyuan University.

The history of Taiyuan University can be traced back to the "Shanxi Government Normal School" established in 1905, the "Shanxi Provincial Women's Normal School" established in 1910, and the "Shanxi Provincial National Normal School" established in 1919. The school has a long history of running schools and a profound cultural heritage. Its fine traditions and cultural spirit have always influenced the growth of the University.

Taiyuan University has eight faculties, namely Engineering, Science, Literature, Economics, Management, Art, Agriculture as well as Education, with 37 undergraduate majors. It consists of 13 schools and departments, including 1 School (School of Marxism), 1 department (Department of Public Physical Education), 2 teaching centers (Public Experimental Center, Engineering Training Center) and Faculty of Continuing Education.

 It lays stress on scientific research to strengthen the university. In recent years, he has published 1,100 papers, presided over 290 projects at or above the provincial (ministerial) level, published 115 monographs (translations), 129 patents, and 4 provincial scientific research platforms.

The University attaches great importance to foreign cooperation and exchanges. It has officially signed cooperation agreements with Colorado State University in the United States, the University of Fraser Valley in Canada, and Shinawatra University in Thailand, and has carried out extensive international cooperation in students’ training, faculty exchanges, and academic research.

 Taiyuan University sincerely welcomes international students from all over the world!