Beijing Forestry University International College

北京林业大学国际学院成立于2002年3月, 2020年12月6日恢复独立运行,是学校开展国际化教育的主责机构,在学校党委的领导下,负责来华留学生的招生、培养和管理;负责引进国际优质教育资源,统筹开展在校学生的国际交流、合作、培训等工作。招收和培养国际学生是我校开展国际教育的重要举措。我校招收国际学生可以追朔到1952年建校之初,是新中国最早接收国际学生的院校之一。至今我校已经累计培养各类国际学生5000余人,业已经成为中国政府奖学金、商务部援外学历项目奖学金、北京市政府奖学金、北京市“一带一路”专项奖学金、北京市“一带一路”国家人才培养基地以及亚太森林组织奖学金项目院校,目前学校面向国际学生建立了13个“一流”学科研究生层次的全英文授课项目及58门全英文课程。其中“林业经济管理”课程获得教育部“来华留学英语授课品牌课程”,成为林业院校中唯一一所有此品牌课程的高校,林业经济管理硕士专业顺利通过国际组织“亚太森林组织”国际专家组评估。随着面向国际学生学科吸引力逐渐增强,培养质量不断提高,“留学北林”影响力不断增强,目前共有来自70多个国家的300余名国际学生在校学习,其中学历生比例占90%以上。除了招收和培养国际学生以外,学校引进国外优质教育资源,不断探索人才培养新模式,积极开展不同层次中外合作办学项目,先后和美国密西根州立大学草坪管理专业、与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学联合举办木材科学与工程、生物技术专业,日本千叶大学风景园林硕士专业合作办学、通过与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学暑期联合学校等开展不同层次人才培养模式提高了我校国际化办学水平。
The International College of Beijing Forestry University was established in March 2002 and started its independent operations on December 6, 2020. The college is under the leadership of the University’s Party Committee. Its responsibilities are but are not limited to: enrolling, training, and managing international students in China. It introduces students to high-quality educational resources and organizes and promotes international exchanges and cooperation.There is no doubt for taking human-cultivating as the essence of higher education. Cultivating internationalized talents plays a vital role in the development of the University. The history of having international students at the University traces back to 1952 when the University was founded. It was one of the first colleges in New China to accept international students. Up to now, the University has cultivated over 5,000 international students of various categories. It has become an authorized institution that offers different kinds of scholarships for international students, such as Chinese Government Scholarship, MOFCOM Scholarship, Beijing Government Scholarship, Beijing Belt and Road Special Scholarship, and Asia-Pacific Forest Network Scholarship. In addition to recruiting and training international students, we actively introduce high-quality education resources, constantly explore new models for talent training, and establish Sino-foreign collaborative education projects at different levels. We have successively established collaboration with Michigan State University, US, in Wood Science and Engineering, with the University of British Columbia, Canada, in Material Engineering and Biotechnology, and with Chiba University, Japan, in Landscape Architecture. We have Summer School, Joint Teaching Program, and other International Personnel Training programs. All these programs have prepared our international students for their future and improved the international education level of the University.
Adhering to the concept of "A Community with A Shared Future", under the leadership of the School Party Committee, the International College is committed to promoting the healthy and sustainable development of international education, enhancing the high-level international education ability, focusing on the goal of international talent training, innovating the mode of international education exchanges and cooperation, so that the educational level of Beijing Forestry University and the level of international talent education can grow synchronously, and also ultimately cultivate out students with international vision and cross-cultural competence.
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