Hebei Zhengding High School


Located in Zhengding, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, a county town with a history of more than one thousand years and famous for its historical cultures, Hebei Zhengding High School (HZHS) is an officially-honoured key public school in Hebei Province, and it is ranked in the top 100 high school of China. The school now has two fully-equipped campuses, covering an area of 33 hectares, with about 600 teaching staff and over 8000 students. Inherited from ancient Hengyang Institute, HZHS was founded in 1902. Over the years, HZHS has nurtured tens of thousands of students, many of whom have achieved success in their careers, or even made great contribution to China, such as Zhang Xiangtong, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Gao Keqian, a well-known leader of Chinese Labour movement in Shijiazhuang; Gong Mu, a famous Chinese Poet. Since 2011, HZHS has carried out  Under the guidance of International Education Reform and Development Plan of Hebei Zhengding High School, HZHS has carried out a dimensional, multi-layered international exchange activities, trying to create an international school atmosphere and to broaden the international vision of both teachers and students. Since 2011, our school has established friendship relations with more than 50 colleges and universities in 25 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Armenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Uganda, Ghana, and South Sudan and carried out various teacher-student exchange activities. We have organized 13 grand international exchange activities such as The Annual Session of Belt and Road Youth Education Development Alliance and International Cultural Understanding Day. We have received over 1,000 visits by teachers and students from foreign friendly schools and more than 20,000 students have participated in international exchange activities, and have organized over 500 students for exchange programs to overseas sister schools, and more than 150 teachers for overseas training programs. More than 200 graduates have been admitted to partnership universities overseas. A number of international school-based elective courses such as IELTS for Secondary Education, A-level, and International Cultural Understanding, are offered. In 2020, our school was awarded Advanced International Educational Exchange Group of Hebei Province.

河北正定中学是直属石家庄市教育局的省级示范性高中,坐落在全国文明城市、国家级历史文化名城正定。是一所具有近两千年古代文化教育传承、一百多年近现代教育辉煌历史的全国一流名校。学校创建于 1902 年(清光绪二十八年),距今已有近120年的历史。学校现有两个校区,占地 460 余亩。两校区有专任教师600余人,在校生 8000余人。


在《河北正定中学国际化教育改革和发展规划》的指导下,我校开展丰富多彩的国际教育交流活动。自2011年以来,我校已经与英、美、加、澳、新、德、法、俄、日、韩、白俄、乌克兰、罗马尼亚、亚美尼亚、捷克、斯洛伐克、波兰、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、巴西、乌干达、加纳、南苏丹等 25个国家的 50 多所院校建立了友好关系,开展了形式多样的师生交流活动。先后组织 “一带一路青少年教育发展联盟年会”“国际文化理解日”等大型国际交流活动13次,接待外国友好学校师生来访 1000 余人次,参与校内国际交流活动学生人数达 20000 余人次,选派学生赴境外友好学校交流访问 500 余人次,组织优秀教师赴海外进行教学管理培训150 余人次,为海外友好大学输送优秀毕业生200余人。开设《雅思中学》《A-level》《国际文化理解》等多门国际化校本选修课程。2020年,我校被授予“河北省国际教育交流先进集体”。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程