Leshan Vocational and Techincal College


Leshan Vocational and Technical College is located in Leshan, southwest of Sichuan Province, southwest China. It is about 100 kilometers away from the nearest Shuangliu International Airport, which is 45 minutes by high speed train. Leshan is a well-known international tourist destination with “World Natural and Cultural Heritage” Leshan Giant Buddha and Mountain Emei. The picturesque natural scenery and unique culture attract thousands of international tourists every year. Leshan Vocational and Technical College, founded in 2002, is a state-owned public full-time higher vocational college. More than 18,000 students are studying in full-time here, including 280 international students from 16 countries such as Thailand, Laos, Nepal ,Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Ten departments in the college covers 51 majors under liberal arts, science and engineering. Additionally, more than 100 demonstration bases of experimental teaching and one affiliated hospital is directly under the college. The college has established friendly cooperation relationship with 82 colleges, universities as well as institutions in Thailand, Laos, Nepal, German, Japan, America, Canada, etc. Teachers and students exchange and training programs are carried out throughout the year. Since 2011, the college has recruited 400 international students successively. International students actively participated in all kinds of competitions and activities and achieved outstanding achievements, with the pass rate of HSK4 test reaches 100%. In 2014, the college was rewarded “National Excellent College in Foreign Students Education” by Chinese Higher Education Association. In 2019, the college was awarded the "Sino-Thai Vocational Education Cooperation Award" by the Vocational Education Committee of the Ministry of Education of Thailand. Three-year academic program, one-year Chinese language training program and short-term exchange program are available here. We wholeheartedly welcome international students from all over the world to study in Leshan Vocational and Technical College!

乐山职业技术学院位于四川省乐山市,地处中国西南地区,距四川省省会成都约 120 公里,坐拥“世界自然和文化遗产”乐山大佛-峨眉山,如诗如画的自然风光,悠久的城市历史,吸引着成千上万的游客。乐山职业技术学院始建于 1951 年,是由乐山市政府举办的一所综合性全日制公办普通高等学校。学院开设有医药卫生、财经管理、旅游管理、电子信息工程、机械电子工程、新能源等领域共 51 个专业,拥有 1 家直属附属医院。学院以培养高素质技术技能人才为目标,有全日制在校学生 1.6万余人。

近年来,我院先后与泰国、老挝、日本、尼泊尔、赞比亚、美国、台湾、香港等国家和地区的 82 所高校或机构建立了友好合作关系,常年开展师生交流互访和进修学习。学院紧跟国家“一带一路”倡议以及四川省“四向拓展,全域开放”的发展战略,形成较为完善的国际学生人才培养模式。2011年我院首开四川省内高职院校成建制招收国际学生先河,迄今先后招收国际学生近 500 名,目前在校国际学生 280 名,学院可向国际学生提供为期三年的学历教育、为期一年的中国语言培训、非学历制技能培训和短期交换学生项目,专业涵盖医药卫生类、财经管理类、工科类等专业教育与技能培训,同时提供汉语、武术、书法、绘画等中国文化课程。学院国际学生参加汉语 HSK4 级考试,过关率 100%;2014 年 7月学院荣获中国高等教育学会外国留学生管理分会全国“来华留学生教育先进集体”荣誉称号;2018 年学院“瞄准国家战略需求,创新高职留学生培养模式,打造一带一路人才培养高地”荣获四川省第八届高等教育教学成果二等奖;2019年学院荣获泰国教育部职业教育委员会办法的“中泰职业教育合作贡献奖”。


Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程