Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences)



"Travel with Tang Poetry" which integrates the two elements of “Tang Poems” and “Travel” focuses on Tang poetry recitation, Tang poetry interpretation and introduction to tourist attractions. We offer the courses of reading Tang poetry from an early age, showing the footprints of the poets from Tang Dynasty. In this program, you could follow the journey of classic poets to see where they went to, what scenery they saw, and what life they led, and explore the association between these experiences and the works they created.

“跟着唐诗去旅行”课程包括诵读唐诗、唐诗解读、打卡景点等内容,旨在带领大家边读唐诗边旅游,实现古今勾连,让学员在旅行中感悟诗句,感同身受地理解唐诗中的美好意境,一起跨越时空,体验一次奇妙的 “云”上中国之旅,领略现代中国的山水之美及人文风光。

General Courses 通用课程