Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences)



Visit Mount Tai, see China,experience culture


Mount Taishan is the most famous sacred mountain of China, with exceptional historic, cultural, aesthetic and scientific value. The mountain has been worshiped continuously throughout the last three millennia and was an important cradle of oriental East Asian culture since the earliest times. The mountain was an important object of the cult worship of mountains even before 219 BCE, when the Qin Emperor, Huang Di, paid tribute to the mountain in the Fengshan sacrifices to inform the gods of his success in unifying all of China. On the mountain there are 12 historically recorded imperial ceremonies in homage to Heaven and Earth, about 1,800 stone tablets and inscriptions, and 22 temples, which together make Mount Taishan the most important monument in China, a world-renowned treasure house of history and culture.The online program organized by Shandong First Medical University offers Chinese language courses, cultural experiences and a virtual tour to Mount Tai.The courses include live online lectures, interaction and video courses, aiming to help campers to perceive the culture of Mount Tai and China through cultural experience and improve Chinese listening and speaking skills.

“游泰山,看中国,品文化”的线上项目包括汉语课、云游泰山、 文化体验等内容。教学采用实时授课、线上互动和视频课程相结合的方式,旨在帮助大家通过文化体验感知泰山文化,感知中国;通过汉语课程学习汉语旅游用语,提高汉语听说能力。 

General Courses 通用课程