Northeast Forestry University


Northeast Forestry University (NEFU) is a multidisciplinary university with Forestry as its dominant discipline and Forestry Engineering as the characteristic. It is situated in Harbin, the center of the largest state-owned forest region in China. NEFU also has the education, research and practice bases, including the Mao’ershan Experimental Forest Farm (also known as Mao’ershan National Forest Park) and the Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm (Liangshui National Natural Reserve) and International Students’ Education Practice Bases, such as Siberian Tiger Park, Heilongjiang Peking Opera Theater, and so on. Presently, there are more than 26,000 students studying at NEFU and 2,300 faculty members including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yangtze River Scholars, Young Yangtze River Scholars, winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scientists and other top teachers. The main campus covers 136 hectares, where shrub, trees, flowers, herbaceous plants and vine plants can be found everywhere. It has the first Forest Museum in China and is called “the University in forest”.


Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程