
Approved by the Education Ministry of China in 2003, Chifeng University was founded as a public, full-time and multi-majored undergraduate university. Chifeng University is located in Chifeng city, the birthplace of the world-famous Hong Shan cultures. Its specialty covers 11 learning branches, 60 undergraduate majors. 10 majors are listed as brand major of autonomous region level. There are 13,515 students including 154 international students from 12 countries and regions on campus.

赤峰学院是2003年经国家教育部批准组建的一所全日制普通本科高校,其办学历史可追溯至1957年。学校位于闻名遐迩的“红山文化”发祥地 --内蒙古赤峰市。现开设本科专业60个,其中,自治区一流本科专业10个,一本招生专业7个,专业设置涵盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学等11个学科门类。学校为硕士学位授予单位,现有硕士学位授权点9个。现有全日制在校学生13515人,其中,来华留学生154人,来自12个国家和地区。    

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程