Shanghai University


Shanghai University Experience China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage

上海大学“访非遗 品华韵”线上交流项目

Situational Chinese, you can pick your “China Hand” character. Through thematic lectures on ICH, you can learn about the representatives of China’s outstanding human Intangible Cultural Heritage, enhance your understanding of cultural diversity, and tell the Chinese stories well. You can experience the essence of Chinese culture, the charm of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the new style of urban life in the cloud. You can take a colorful tour in the cloud, exploring the spirit that Shanghai represents, which is “inclusiveness, excellence, openness, wisdom, generosity and modesty”. You can attend featured theme exchanges, with the cloud as a medium, to open a new way of communication between China and abroad.


Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程