Neijiang Normal University


Neijiang Normal University, located in the picturesque historical and cultural city of Neijiang, the “Home of Painting and Calligraphy”, is a state-approved undergraduate university under the supervision of Sichuan provincial government. With a 60-year history, the university can be traced back to Neijiang Junior High School Teacher Training Class founded in 1956. Its undergraduate education was approved in March 2000. Now it has is a well-regarded local university with 10 disciplines, namely literature, science, engineering, agriculture, law, pedagogy, management science, history, economics, art science. The university now covers an area of 3122 acres and comprises 0.62 million square meters of school buildings, as well as teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment worthing 209 million yuan and 1.93 million copies of books and reference materials. There are 19 schools, 54 undergraduate majors, 15 of them are teacher-education majors while the other 39 are applied non-teacher education majors. The admission is open to the whole nation, there are more than 19000 full-time students. The university has attached great importance to carrying out international exchanges and cooperation, and has striven to build a new platform for international exchanges and cooperation. There are more than 30 international cooperation and exchange programs with 12 universities and educational institutions from the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Sweden, Thailand, Laos and Taiwan. In addition, the international platform serving for students’ practice and employment has been established with the United States, Korea, Thailand, Laos, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Nepal. The University currently offers the international students with Sichuan Provincial Government Scholarship and Neijiang Normal University President Scholarship, welcome to study in Neijiang Normal University.

内江师范学院是经教育部批准建立的一所省属本科院校。学校座落在风景如画,人文荟萃,驰名中外的“大千故里,书画之乡”——内江市。学校始于1956年经教育部批准创办的四川省初中师资训练班,2000 年升本建院。60余年来,学校秉承内江师范教育艰苦创业,重视师德师风和师范技能的优秀传统,发扬团结奋进,负重自强的办学精神,不断开拓创新,砥砺前行。学校现已发展成为文学、理学、工学、农学、法学、教育学、管理学、历史学、经济学、艺术学等多学科协调发展的地方性高等院校。 学校占地3122亩,现有校舍 62万平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值2.09亿元,图书资料193万册。现设有 19个二级学院,开设 54个本科专业,其中师范专业15 个,应用型非师范专业 39 个。学校面向全国28个省市区招生,现有全日制本科学生、留学生、研究生19000余人。 学校积极开展对外交流与合作,努力构建国际交流合作新平台,先后与美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、韩国、日本、瑞典、泰国、老挝、台湾等国(境)外的 12 所大学与教育机构建立了校级交流与合作关系,开展各类国际合作与交流项目 30 余个,并与美国、韩国、泰国、老挝、新加坡、阿联酋、尼泊尔等国家构建了国际化的学生实践、就业平台。 学校目前有四川省外国留学生政府奖学金、内江师范学院留学生校长奖学金,可提供给来校就读的留学生。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程