Sun Yat-sen University



Sun Yat-sen University Multicultural communication Online International Winter Camp

“天涯共此时 五洲一家亲”中山大学多元文化交流线上国际冬令营

The courses keep up with the pulse of the times. We will provide you with courses from China’s top business schools: how to do business in China, China’s mobile payment, Guangzhou wholesale market, etc. At the same time, we will bring you many audiovisual cultures feast: Appreciation of Chinese National Instrumental Music-Guzheng, Pipa, Bamboo Flute, Hulusi, etc. In order to show the unique charm of Chinese culture in the harmonious coexistence of multiple cultures, we have arranged a number of Chinese excellent traditional culture courses: understanding Chinese culture and its traditional philosophy, Chinese characters, Appreciation of Chinese martial arts-Tai Chi, Baduanjin, festivals and customs, Chinese poetry, learn to sing Chinese songs, Painting Peking Opera Masks, etc., to let you know China from all aspects and promote international exchanges and cooperation.

“天涯共此时 五洲一家亲”中山大学多元文化交流线上国际冬令营课程紧贴时代脉搏,我们将会为您提供来自中国顶级商学院的课程:如何在中国做生意、中国的移动支付、广州批发市场等,同时还为您带来多场视听觉文化盛宴:中国民族器乐赏析-古筝、琵琶、竹笛、葫芦丝等。为了在多元文化和谐共生中展现中华文化的独特魅力,我们安排了多门中华优秀传统文化课程:了解中国文化及其传统哲学、中国汉字、中华武术赏析-太极拳、八段锦、节日与习俗、中国诗歌、学唱中文歌、画京剧脸谱等,让您从各个方面认识中国,促进国际交流与合作。

General Courses 通用课程