Zhejiang University of Finance & Eonomics



“Lingering Charm of Song Dynasty & Intangible Cultural Heritage”Online Winter Camp


Intangible cultural heritage is the treasure of Chinese culture. It is an important mission to let excellent national culture spread to the world in Chinese culture communication. Hangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city, where the Song Dynasty culture and the spirit of craftsmanship shine together. This project selects Zhejiang characteristic intangible cultural heritage projects, tells the story of intangible cultural heritage, experiences the wonderful intangible cultural heritage, aims to promote the export of products and tourism services through cultural export, and shows Chinese wisdom to the world. The project is divided into three chapters, with 10 themed videos on “Intangible Cultural Heritage in Song Dynasty”. It mainly contains two aspects: Firstly, it is a multi-body interactive construction design content. The videos are designed to integrate humanities, history and knowledge, and to provide students with the teaching process of interactive experiences and teachers’ summaries of intangible cultural heritage. The second is the scenario-applied Chinese classroom design. Creating a fun and interactive specialized Chinese classroom based on scenario application, our program aims to integrate language learning into history, society and daily life. The project adopts graded teaching according to Chinese language level.

非物质文化遗产,是中华文化的瑰宝,让优秀的⺠族文化走向世界,是中华文化传播的重要使命。杭州是历史文化名城、宋韵文化、 匠人精神在这里交相辉映。本项目精选浙江特色非遗项目,讲述非遗故事,体验非遗精彩,旨在通过文化输出带动产品与旅游服务输出,向世界展示中国智慧。


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