Jilin University


Jilin University (JLU), located in Changchun, Jilin Province, was supported by China’s “Projected 211” and “Project 985”, and has been selected as one of the universities in Double World-Class Initiative in China. JLU offers 141 Bachelor Degree Programs, 63 Master Degree Programs, 49 Doctoral Degree Programs and 44 Post-doctoral research stations. JLU is home to 6,446 faculty members, including 2,302 full professors and offers students a strong academic challenge in their undergraduate, master’s and doctorate study through teaching and research excellence. JLU has set up partnerships with 303 universities, research institutions or international academic organizations in 40 countries and regions.

吉林大学,坐落在吉林省长春市,是中国“211工程”和“985工程”重点支持的综合性大学之一,2017年被列入国家一流大学建设高校。 学校学科门类齐全。有本科专业141个,一级硕士学位授权点63个,一级学科博士学位授权点49个,博士后科研流动站44个。 师资力量雄厚,拥有教师6,446人,其中教授2,302人,并且已建立起学士—硕士—博士完整的高水平人才培养体系。在校全日制学生73,464人,其中海外留学生1,603人。 聚焦高水平国际合作,逐步完善全球网络布局,目前已经与40个国家和地区的303所高校和科研机构建立合作伙伴关系。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程