Zhejiang International Studies University



Zhejiang: A Window of Fascinating China is an online curriculum for short-term Chinese learners overseas. This practical, communication-oriented curriculum produced by Zhejiang International Studies University is grounded on theories of Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education, providing with audio-visual materials for constructive discourse in intercultural contexts where language abilities and intercultural skills are improved. Course contents are pertinent to developed, vibrant cities in Zhejiang Province that both recording and live streaming are applied into diverse cultural themes: Hangzhou(Asian Olympic landscapes, the West Lake, The Grand Canal, Wetland Ecology, Digital Industry), Jiaxing(History of China’s Communist Party),Wuzhen(Water Town Landscapes and World Internet Conference Summit), Shaoxing(Yellow wine industry, operas, handwriting), Jinhua(World-leading Business in Yiwu), Huzhou(Creative Development of Yu’s Village). The course structure is in response to a real-life landscape of Chinese culture since the New Era. Modules are taught in popular multi-media approaches, which allows students to explore their own areas of linguistic interest. This curriculum lasts for 10 days with 10 themes, and is taught in 30 teaching hours(10 for recording, and 20 for live streaming).

“2022年汉语桥——知行浙江”线上课程是由浙江外国语学院国际学院教师团队研发的新时代国际中文线上短期课程。课程以教育部《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(2021)的语言能力构念为理论指导,以国外短期中文学习者为教学对象,以“中文交际能力”为培养导向,以话语共建为教学形式。课程选取浙江省的部分城市为文化语境,带领留学生云游中国经济强省——浙江,感受新时代中国的“美丽新农村建设”,以及扎实推进的“共同富裕区”建设情况。本项目的文化专题教学分直播、录播2种形式。直播课程为语言知识、话题任务教学。录播课程由授课教师本人走访浙江省代表性发达城市,选取代表性人文景观录制外景纪录片,展现新时代中国特色社会主义文化景观。杭州亚运会 “绿色、智能、节俭、文明”的理念;千年吴越文化的戏曲、书法、黄酒非遗酿造技术;世界互联网大会永久会址——乌镇的水乡柔美与现代科技;湖州余村“两山”治理下的生态特色;“鸡毛换糖”的义商精神。教师本人通过“任务打卡”、“实物测评”、“访谈”等时新的互联网传播方式,让留学生们寓学于乐,深层次了解浙江,了解中国。


General Courses 通用课程