Chongqing Technology and Business University


Chongqing Technology and Business University (CTBU) is situated in Chongqing, which is the only municipality in the western China and China’s biggest city with 31 million people. Chongqing boasts a beautiful landscape, long history and rich culture. The city is also home to more than 50 universities. CTBU benefits much from the rapidly growing economy of Chongqing and has achieved fast development. CTBU has risen as one of the biggest universities in Chongqing. CTBU, composed of 22 schools, now offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across a breadth of disciplines, conferring bachelor’s and master’s and Ph.D degrees, encompassing economics, management, arts, natural sciences, engineering, law and social sciences. Currently there are more than 30,000 full-time students on campus. CTBU covers an area of 350 acres with floor space of more than 900,000 square meters. The main campus is located on Xuefu Avenue in Nan’an District of Chongqing, close to the Yangtze River at the base of Nanshan Mountain. CTBU features a green slope and a mountain covered with forests. A beautifully landscaped environment with many trees, gardens, and hiking paths lie on the high side of campus. Along with the attractive architecture of buildings, the campus has become a popular attraction for both local people and tourists alike. An excellent bus network and light-rail system connects CTBU to the city centre and the surrounding suburbs. Chongqing International Airport is conveniently located within 30 minutes of CTBU’s campus. The research institutes and centers actively engaged in research programs, producing some cutting-edge results and generating noticeable effects in the local economy.

重庆工商大学位于中国最大的直辖市重庆市。是一所经济学、管理学、文学、工学、法学、理学、艺术学等学科协调发展的、具有鲜明财经特色的多科性大学,被国家确定为“中西部高校基础能力提升计划”重点支持高校。 学校占地总面积2733.4亩,主校区设在重庆市南岸区学府大道,坐落在长江之滨,南山之麓,紧邻重庆国家级经济技术开发区,环境优美,交通便利。学校被评为重庆市“十佳园林式单位”和“文明单位”。 学校拥有一支学科专业配套、科研能力强的师资队伍,现有教职工2100余人,其中专任教师1600余人,具有高级职称的教职工近800人,具有博士、硕士学位的教师近1200人,享受国务院特殊津贴的专家25人。目前在校研究生和全日制普通本专科学生超过30000人。 学校现有22个学院(中心)教学单位(其中包括国际商学院和现代国际设计艺术学院两所中外合作办学学院)以及2个独立学院。有70余个本科专业,其中有4个国家级特色专业、20个市级特色专业。有1个服务国家特殊需求博士后人才培养项目——三峡库区百万移民安稳致富国家战略人才培养项目(应用经济学),有应用经济学、工商管理、环境科学与工程等8个一级学科硕士学位授权点(覆盖50余个二级学科点)和博士后科研工作站、博士后流动站分站。拥有应用经济学、工商管理、环境科学与工程等8个市级重点学科(一级学科)。 学校教学及科研设备齐全,拥有先进的电化教学中心、计算机中心及各学科实验室。校园计算机网络覆盖全部校区,所有的办公室和所有的学生宿舍均已接入校园网。学校图书馆藏书333.18万余册,与美国史迪威基金会合作建有“史迪威图书馆”,建成了“全球发展学习网络重庆远程学习中心”。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程