Dalian University of Technology


Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is a national key university administrated directly under the Ministry of Education of China, which is also sponsored by Project 211 and Project 985. DUT keeps fostering elites, promoting science and technology, inheriting excellent cultures and guiding the social climate as its mission, adheres to DUT spirit of “Unity and Progress, Truth and Innovation”, dedicates itself to the creation, discovery, impart, conservation and application of knowledge, and endeavors to undertake social responsibilities to serve the country and the world. DUT has built steady long-term relationships with 313 universities and research institutes in 31 countries and regions from all over the world and one Confucius Institute co-founded with Belarusian State University. Hundreds of well-known foreign scholars and professors are hired for researching and lecturing. In recent years, academic exchange oversea amounts more than 1700 times every year. At present DUT is holding on to the strategy of revitalizing the nation through science and education, and is guided by the project of establishing leading universities. With the support of "the 985 Project" and "the 211 Project", bringing forth the spirit of innovation, DUT is engaged in implementing “the 14th Five-Year Development Plan and 2035 Long-range Objectives”, and carrying out a talent-training strategy in the hope of building DUT into a world-class and research-oriented university.

大连理工大学是教育部直属全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设高校,也是世界一流大学A类建设高校。学校以培养精英人才、促进科技进步、传承优秀文化、引领社会风尚为宗旨,秉承“海纳百川、自强不息、厚德笃学、知行合一”为基本特质的大工精神,致力于创造、发现、传授、保存和应用知识,勇于担当社会责任,服务国家,造福人类。 学校与43个国家和地区的313所大学及科研机构建立了长期稳定的合作关系,与白俄罗斯国立大学联合建立孔子学院;聘请数百位海外知名学者和人士作为学校的名誉、客座教授。近年来因公出国(境)学术交流每年近1700人次。 目前,学校抓住国家实施科教兴国和人才强国战略、建设创新型国家、大力发展高等教育、建设高水平大学等一系列重大发展机遇,以“985工程”、“211工程”、“领军型大学建设工程”为牵引,以党的二十大精神为指导,深入实施《大连理工大学“十四五”发展规划和2035远景目标》,努力把大连理工大学建设成为国内高水平大学第一方阵的领军大学,建设成为国际知名的高水平研究型大学。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程