Xi’an International Studies University



Shanxi History and Culture Research Course


The history and culture of Shaanxi occupies an extremely important position in Chinese culture. The unified dynasties of Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang, which were founded in Xi'an, had a profound impact on the history and culture of Xi'an. Taking full advantage of traditional historical and cultural advantages, Xi'an has successfully transformed into an international metropolis characterized by cultural tourism industry. The course lasts for two weeks, with 6 class hours per day and 30 minutes per class hour, of which 40% are language courses and 60% are cultural lectures and live broadcast. On the basis of language learning, students can experience the charm of Chinese history and culture and the vitality of urban cultural development while learning Chinese by joining Shaanxi special cultural lectures and live historical and cultural experience courses.

陕西历史与文化在中国文化中占有极其重要的地位,而建都于西安的周、秦、汉、隋、唐等统一王朝对西安城的历史与文化产生了深远影响。陕西西安充分利用传统历史文化优势,成功转型为以文化旅游产业为特色的国际化大都市。本课程为期两周,每天 6 课时,每课时30分钟,其中40%为语言课程,60%为文化类讲座和实地直播。在语言学习的基础上,通过加入陕西专题文化讲座与实地直播的历史文化体验课程,让学生在学习汉语的同时,也能实地体验到中国历史文化的魅力和城市文化发展的活力。

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