Dongbei University Of Finance And Economics


Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE) is located in Dalian in the northeast of China. With its beautiful coastal location and a mild climate, Dalian is one of the most vibrant cities in China and also a great place to live and study. DUFE was founded in 1952 and now it becomes one of China’s top-ranked finance, banking and economics universities. The famous Hei Shijiao, which is DUFE’s close neighbor, owns beautiful seaside and surrounded by lush mountains. DUFE has thirty years’ experience of international education, which educated more than 10,000 students from 120 countries. It has built an international students education management system which includes undergraduate, master and PhD programs both in Chinese medium and English medium. It also provides non-degree programs including short-term and long-term Chinese language & Business Chinese language courses, visiting programs and credit exchange programs. DUFE is a host institution that provides China Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship and Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarship for international students. DUFE was awarded one of the best international education institutions by Liaoning Provincial Government.

东北财经大学成立于1952年,是一所突出经济学、管理学优势和特色,经济学、管理学、法学、文学、理学等多学科协调发展的财经大学。学校坐落于中国东北最美丽的海滨城市——大连。校园被美丽的海景和葱翠的高山环绕,这里气候温和,是生活和学习的最佳选择。 东北财经大学有三十余年的外国留学生教育经验,先后培养了来自120多个国家的上万名留学生。现已形成了包括本科、硕士研究生、博士研究生学历教育(含全英文授课)和预科、汉语(商务汉语)长短期进修及学分交换等非学历教育在内的较为科学的来华留学生教育格局。目前我校已在美国南缅因大学、荷兰南方应用科技大学、斯洛伐克马杰伊贝尔大学建立了3所孔子学院。我校是中国政府奖学金来华留学生接受院校和孔子学院奖学金生接受院校,是孔子学院专职教师储备院校,是孔子学院绩效评价与财务管理研修基地,是辽宁省首批来华留学教育示范基地,是辽宁省外国行政人员研修中心大连基地,是汉语水平考试(HSK)和商务汉语考试(BCT)的双考点,曾荣获全国“来华留学教育先进集体”称号。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程