Tianjin Foreign Studies University



“Chinese Bridge”Chinese language and cultural exchange project——“Let’s Chat” seminar for Japanese students, Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

“汉语桥”中国语言文化体验项目 ——天津外国语大学“津津乐道”日本学生研习班

“Chinese Bridge” Chinese language and cultural exchange project. “Let’s Chat” seminar for Japanese students, Tianjin Foreign Studies University. Tianjin Foreign Studies University is a university with a complete range of major foreign languages, coordinated development of multi disciplines and distinctive characteristics. “Let’s Chat” seminar for Japanese students (hereinafter referred to as "seminar") is a "Chinese Bridge" Chinese language and culture experience project undertaken by Tianjin Foreign Studies University, which aims to deepen the understanding and experience of Japanese young students on Chinese language and culture and Tianjin local characteristic culture through online teaching and cultural experience activities, so as to enhance the cultural exchange and learning between China and Japan. This course will provide Japanese young students with basic Chinese courses, Chinese and Tianjin local culture courses such as paper-cutting, calligraphy, Zhang clay figurines, Goubuli Baozi (steamed stuffed buns) and so on, and rich practical cultural activities such as participation in cultural exchange forums, vlog production for students and the like.



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