Beijing Language and Culture University



EUR’s view of China & China’s view of EUR

“欧洲看中国 中国看欧洲”

Welcome to our 2021 online program—“Europ's view of China & China's view of Europ”, which is organized by Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). This 7-day training program is divided into 5 themes, covering the fields of political diplomacy, economy and trade, health, people's livelihood, and education, and will lift high-level Chinese government agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visit world-class enterprises such as Xiaomi, and talk to academic units such as the China Association Of Policy Science (CAPS).

“欧洲看中国 中国看欧洲”是北京语言大学所承担的“汉语桥”线上团组活动之一。本项目分为五大主题,分别为中欧关系、抗击疫情、数字中国、城乡发展、来华留学,将接触中国外交部、卫健委中国疾病预防控制中心、教育部等中国政府高层机构3处,中国政策科学研究会等科研机构1处,“小米Xiaomi”等科技企业1家。欲使欧洲青年与大学生,从语言、文化、政治、经济、民生、科技、教育等多方面增进欧洲与中国间的相互理解,促进中欧之间交流与合作。

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