Beijing Language and Culture University



Building dream with ice and snow, rendezvous for Winter Olympics”Online Winter Camp

汉语桥——“筑梦冰雪 相约冬奥”冬奥会冬令营

Hello students, welcome to the Chinese Bridge“Building dream with ice and snow, rendezvous for Winter Olympics”Online Winter Camp. This winter camp features language training and cultural experience on the theme of the Winter Olympics. From the focus of the participants on the Beijing Winter Olympics, the topics of the lectures are the environmental protection concept of the Winter Olympics, the technology and venues of the Winter Olympics, the mascots and athletes of the Winter Olympics, and the Chinese language courses on the theme of the Winter Olympics, which will increase the participants' knowledge of Chinese, understand the content of the Winter Olympics, and enhance their intercultural communication skills.

同学们大家好,欢迎来到汉语桥——“筑梦冰雪 相约冬奥”冬奥会冬令营。本次冬令营以冬奥主题语言研修和文化体验为主要特色,从学员对北京冬奥会的关注点出发,以冬奥会的环保理念、冬奥会的科技与场馆、冬奥会吉祥物及运动员、冬奥会主题汉语课程等为讲座主题,增加学员们的汉语知识、了解冬奥会的相关内容、增强跨文化交际能力。

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