Beijing International Chinese College


The Chinese Bridge--Online Winter Camp for Foreign Students on“Amazing Chinese Language and Splendid Chinese Culture”is sponsored by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (CLEC) and organized by Beijing International Chinese College (BICC). The topic of our winter camp this time is “Amazing Chinese Language and Splendid Chinese Culture”. Through 10 days of intensive Chinese language learning, campers can improve their capability in Spoken Chinese and cultivate their interests in Chinese study. Through the rich and colorful traditional Chinese culture experience courses, campers will get a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

2021“汉语桥”--青少年学生“魅力中文 灿烂文化”线上冬令营是由中国教育部中外语言交流合作中心主办,北京国际汉语研修学院承办。此次冬令营以“魅力中文 灿烂文化”为主题,将紧密结合外国学生的学习特点,通过进一步学习中文、探索汉字奥秘、体验中国传统文化,使学生通过十天的学习,能加深对汉语、汉字及其背后文化的理解,更加积极地学习中文,培养学生对中文和中国文化的学习兴趣。

General Courses 通用课程