重庆乡村美景调色 - 重庆工业职业技术学院 - 雾都潮流觅影之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chongqing Urban Characteristic Audiovisual Tour


Chongqing rural scenery color matching


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course "Chongqing Rural Beauty Color Mixing" is taught by Teacher Dong Bo. The course will lead students to explore the natural beauty of rural Chongqing and learn how to restore and optimize these beautiful landscapes through color matching techniques. Chongqing's rural areas such as Yuanyang Lake, Longzhou Bay, and Sanxi Village are attractive with their unique colors and natural scenery. In the course, students will use color matching techniques to make the colors of these scenic spots more vivid and moving. The course content includes four major parts of film and television color design: overall color structure, scene color composition, lighting atmosphere, and aesthetic conception. Through practical operation, students will learn to use the Lumetri Color tool in Premiere and master basic calibration and color adjustment techniques. The course also provides specific case studies and professional advice to help students create visually impactful and emotionally expressive works. I hope that during the learning process, everyone can deeply appreciate the charm of color art, improve their color matching skills, and create beautiful paintings of Chongqing and themselves.

《重庆乡村美景调色》课程,由董博老师主讲。课程将带领学员探索重庆乡村的自然美景,学习如何通过调色技术还原和优化这些美丽的景色。重庆的乡村如鸳鸯湖、龙洲湾和三溪村,以其独特的色彩和自然风光吸引人。在课程中,学员将通过调色技术,使这些景点的色彩更加鲜明和动人。课程内容包括影视色彩设计的四大部分:总体色彩结构、场景色彩构成、光线氛围和意境美感。通过实际操作,学员将学会使用Premiere中的Lumetri Color工具,掌握基本校正和颜色调整的技巧。课程还提供具体案例分析和专业建议,帮助学员创作出富有视觉冲击力和情感表达的作品。希望大家在学习过程中,能够深刻体会色彩艺术的魅力,提升调色技能,创造出属于重庆和你们自己的美丽画卷。

General Courses 通用课程