Yangming Culture in Ganzhou

Course Syllabus 课程章节
1Wang Yangming is a famous thinker, statesman, strategist, and litterateur of the Ming Dynasty in China, known as the sagewho has accomplished “Three Immortal Deeds.”And his virtue inspires future generations, his deeds benefit future generations and his words still inspire future generations.Wang Yangming’s Ideological System includes two parts: the Practical Ideological System of “appealing to the people to pursue their ideals” and the Theoretical System of Yangming’s Mental Ideas. The key point of former thought is to implement the basic concept of Confucianism: “LovePeople.”The quintessence of Yangming’s Mental Ideas mainly includes that “The human heart is the realization of truth,”“the unity of belief and action,”“the realization of goodness” and “ecological wisdom.” Yangming’s Mental Ideas belongs not only to China or to ancient times, but the radiance of his thoughts has long transcended time and space, and has profoundly affected the course of Chinese and even world history.