探秘寒武纪生命大爆发:走进云南澄江动物群 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Explore the Mysteries of Cambrian Explosion: Approach Chengjiang Fauna in Yunnan Province


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The world-famous fauna fossil community in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province is the oldest Cambrian community of life as far as we know. It not only serves as the extremely valuable direct proof for “the Cambrian explosion” which is the nonlinear eruptive evolution, but also poses a major challenge for Darwin’s theory on gradual evolution. The species of Chengjiang Fauna lived in the early period of early-Cambrian epoch 5.3 hundred million years ago, and their fossils represent the grand vision of marine life and original features of all kinds of animals in a vivid way. A large number of various lifelike fantastic fossils are kept in the Chengjiang Special Burial Fossil Reservoir, including Anomalocaris, the primitive marine ruler and Haikouichthys ercaicunensis, the ancestor of all vertebrates. Besides, there are numerous soft-body fossils with well-preserved soft-body structures, including Hallucigenia, Microdictyon, and jellyfish and so on. The excavation of Chengjiang Fauna and the research on them unveil the whole picture of animal world during the Cambrian explosion the Cambrian life explosion, providing valuable proof for the theories on the origin, evolution and ecosystem of life in the early era of the Earth. The Chengjiang Fauna Fossil Community tells the whole world the miracle and grandeur of the Cambrian life explosion as an everlasting chapter of life evolution.

闻名世界的中国云南澄江动物化石群,是目前已知最古老的寒武纪生命群落。不仅为 “寒武纪生命大爆发” 这一非线性突发演化提供了极其珍贵的直接证据,也对达尔文的渐变式进化理论提出了重大的挑战。

澄江动物群生活在距今约 5.3亿年的早寒武世早期,生动再现了当时海洋生命的壮丽景观和各类动物的原始特征。澄江动物特异埋藏化石库保存了大量千姿百态、栩栩如生的奇异化石,包括初代海洋霸主奇虾,所有脊椎动物的祖先,大名鼎鼎的耳材村海口鱼。还有不少精美的软躯体化石,软体结构都保存完好,包括怪诞虫、微网虫、水母等等。


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