文化艺术专题讲座——荒野计划 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

Culture and Art Special Lecture - Wilderness Project


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Introduction to the diversity and possibilities presented by the artist's large-scale outdoor sculptures in today's society. Only when the theme, form and material of the work are fully integrated with the geographical environment in which it is placed can it produce sculptures that meet the aesthetics of the public and have a contemporary flavor. The course shows that the artist's sculptures span the fields of art and technology, with 3D printing technology intervening in the creation of large sculptures and the application of industrial steel tube material expression. It shows the artist's transformation and reflection on traditional cultural symbols in the creation of sculpture.


General Courses 通用课程