中国美食文化 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

China Culinary


Course Syllabus 课程章节


As a part of the splendid Chinese culture, Chinese food enjoys a great reputation in the world. Do you know the features of Chinese food? Do you know any other cuisine besides Sichuan cuisine? Do you know the story of Goubuli steamed bun? Welcome to the lecture on Chinese food, enjoy the beauty of Chinese food, and appreciate the Chinese culture on the tip of your tongue.

作为灿烂的中国文化的一部分,中餐在世界上都享有盛名。你知道中餐的特点吗? 除了川菜你还知道其他什么菜系吗? 你知道狗不理包子的故事吗?欢迎观看中国美食讲座,领略中餐之美了解舌尖上的中华文化。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程