满族传统饮食——“雪衣豆沙” - 吉林师范大学 - 云聚吉师学中文,感知华夏东北情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Gathering in JLNU to Learn Chinese Language, Gathering in Northeast China to Appreciate Chinese Culture


“Traditional Manchu Food-‘Snow-coated Bean Paste’”


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Snow-coated bean paste has a history of 100 years and is very popular with tourists. As the representative of Jilin Manchu cuisine, it originated from the palace cuisine. The main raw materials are red beans, eggs, sugar, etc., which are made by frying cooking method. Xueyi bean paste as a sweet, round shape, white color, like a bud of cotton peach, sweet and delicious, unique flavor, so called. However, it seems easy to get started, but there are difficulties in the actual operation, in the past for a long time, Jilin chefs are reluctant to do, the production difficulty lies in the control of oil temperature and the strength of the egg white. Therefore, more than ten years of skills and experience is required to make the snow-coated bean paste. This also makes the snow-coated bean paste the most wonderful representative of Chinese dessert in the hearts of Northeast people. Today we are going to learn about the snow coat bean paste.


General Courses 通用课程