吉师校园文化 - 吉林师范大学 - 云聚吉师学中文,感知华夏东北情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Gathering in JLNU to Learn Chinese Language, Gathering in Northeast China to Appreciate Chinese Culture


School Culture of JLNU


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course will take you to Jilin Normal University, introduce the general situation of Siping and Changchun campus, let students understand the school philosophy, school characteristics and campus culture; Learn about the characteristic regional culture of northeast China. Through the explanation of the school motto, Confucius and other school-based culture, students can understand the spiritual and cultural symbols of the university, and then have a deep understanding of Confucius, the famous thinker, educator and founder of the Confucian school in ancient China; It shows the inheritance of university culture and university spirit.


General Courses 通用课程