压花艺术课 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Resource Pool 资源库课程

Pressed Flower Art


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Pressed Flower Art is to use physical and chemical methods to dehydrate, preserve color, press and dry plant materials, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and bark, into plane flowers. After ingenious conception, beautiful decorative paintings, cards, and other plant products are made. The pressed flower art is to use the pressed flowers as the basic materials for art creation. Just like watercolor painting and oil painting, it is the combination of plant science and art. China has a long history to make handicrafts by pressed flower art. For example, Bodhi leaf paintings have appeared as early as the period of the Silk Road. This course aims to lead students to appreciate the pressed flower art that comes from nature and returns to nature, and feel the beauty of traditional Chinese art.

压花艺术(Pressed Flower Art)是利用物理和化学方法,将植物材料包括根、茎、叶、花、果、树皮等经脱水、保色、压制和干燥处理而成平面花材,经过巧妙构思,制作成一幅幅精美的装饰画、卡片等植物制品的一门艺术。压花艺术就是运用压制好的花材为创作艺术的基本材料。就好像水彩,油料对水彩画和油画一样。它是把植物科学和艺术二者相结合的产物。在中国用压花制作工艺品历史久远,早在丝绸之路上就已经出现过菩提的叶子画。本课程旨在带领同学们领略源于自然、回归自然,返璞归真的压花艺术,感受中国传统艺术的美妙。

General Courses 通用课程