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Moxibustion und deren klinischen Anwendungen


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Moxibustion is a therapy used to treat and prevent diseases by applying burning moxa to stimulate the body. In this video, Dr. Tao introduced the following information: Function of Moxibustion; Indications for moxibustion; Classification of the Technique.The Special Moxibustion is comprised of Long Snake Moxibustion; Turtle Shell with Salt Moxibustion; Dynamic Moxibustion; Walnut Shell Glasses Moxibustion; Heat Conducting Sensitive Moxibustion etc.

灸法是利用灸火刺激人体以防治疾病的一种疗法。 陶老师在视频中介绍了灸法的作用、灸法的适应症以及灸法的种类,特色灸法环节同学们可以看到长蛇灸、大艾炷隔盐鱉甲灸、动力灸、隔核桃眼睛架灸、热敏灸等内容。

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