中国画梅花的画法 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Chinesische Malerei: die Pflaumenblütenmalerei


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Plum blossom is also known as spring plum and red plum. Prunus of Rosaceae, up to 5-6 meters high. The crown is spreading and the bark is light gray or light green. Branchlets slender, pointed, green, glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate or ovate, margin serrulate, apex acuminate or caudal apex, base broadly cuneate, pubescent when young or along veins, petiole short, glandular. Pedicel short, 1-2, right on 1-2-year-old branches, calyx tube bell shaped, red, dark red and green, etc. Flowers have single or double petals, white, red or light red, fragrant, mostly in early spring in January and February, flowering first, then leaves. Drupe subglobose, yellow or greenish, mature from May to June. Plum blossom, also known as "five blessing flowers", symbolizes happiness, happiness, longevity, smoothness and peace. It is a common phenomenon among civilized nations that a kind of flower is used to express some feelings. But it is unique in the world that plum blossom is used to express various feelings. Tool materials and characteristics of traditional Chinese painting: Brush can be divided into long front, center front and short front pen according to the length of the brush. The long front is easy to draw graceful lines, the short front is easy to be dignified and thick, the center and the short front are both. The new pen is sharp, which is only suitable for drawing thin lines. The effect of using the old pen is better. Some painters like to paint with a bald pen. The dots and lines they draw have the beauty of vigor and simplicity. Ink commonly used ink raw materials are lampblack, pine smoke two, made of ink called lampblack ink and pine smoke ink. The oil smoke ink is made of tung oil smoke. The ink is black and glossy, which can show the subtle changes of ink color. It is suitable for landscape painting; pine smoke is black and dull, which is mostly used for feathers and human hair, but it is not suitable for landscape painting. Xuan paper is divided into raw Xuan paper, cooked Xuan paper and semi cooked Xuan paper. It's easy to master the familiar Xuan painting, but it's also easy to produce the problem of smoothness and inflexibility. The steps of drawing plum blossom Before you start writing, you'd better think about the layout, and then write. 1. Painting stem: draw the edge line of the dark part of the old stem with thick ink, pay attention to the turning point of the branches, and draw the edge line of the bright part of the branches with dry ink on the pen, so as to make the ink on the pen as light as possible. When painting bark, you should absorb the extra water on the pen, and then use thick ink to wipe it from dark to bright. 2. Point flower: point deep flower and point shallow flower, point deep flower ink should be thick, point shallow flower should use light ink. 3. Draw stamens and small branches. 4. Light color outlines the stamens, and finally completes the whole picture.

梅花又名春梅、红梅。蔷薇科李属,高可达5一6米。树冠开展,树皮淡灰色或淡绿色。小枝细长,枝端尖,绿色,无毛。叶宽卵形或卵形,边缘有细锯齿,先端渐尖或尾尖,基部阔楔形,幼时或在沿叶脉处有短柔毛,叶柄短,具腺。花梗短,1一2朵右生于1、2年生枝梢,萼筒钟状,有红,暗红及绿色等。花有单瓣或重瓣,白色、红色或淡红色,有芳香,多在早春1一2月先开花,后发叶。核果近圆球形,黄色或带绿色,5-6月成熟。梅花又名“五福花”,她象征着快乐、幸福、长寿、顺利、和平。以一种鲜花来寓喻某种情怀,这在文明民族中是一种共有的现象。但用梅花来寄托多种情思,这在世界民族大家庭中是绝无仅有的。 国画的工具材料及特性: 笔毛笔以其笔锋的长短可分为长锋、中锋和短锋笔,性能各异。长锋容易画出婀娜多姿的线条,短锋落纸易于凝重厚实,中锋、短锋则兼而有之,新笔笔锋多尖锐,只适于画细线,皴、擦、点擢用旧笔效果更好。有的画家喜欢用秃笔作画,所画的点、线别有苍劲朴拙之美。 墨常用制墨原料有油烟、松烟两种,制成的墨称油烟墨和松烟墨。油烟墨为桐油烟制成,墨色黑而有光泽,能显出墨色浓淡的细致变化,宜画山水画;松烟墨黑而无光,多用于翎毛及人物的毛发,山水画不宜用。 纸宣纸又分为生宣、熟宣和半生熟宣。熟宣用画容易掌握,但也容易产生光滑板滞的毛病;生宣作画虽多墨趣,但渗透迅速,不易掌握。 画梅花的步骤:(重点讲解) 动笔前先想好布局,最好做到“胸有成竹”再下笔。 1.画干:酌浓墨画老干暗部的边缘线,要注意枝干的转折,画亮部枝干的边缘线时要把笔上的墨吸干,尽量让留在笔上的墨少而淡。画树皮时要把笔上多余的水吸干,然后酌浓墨由暗至亮皱檫。 2.点花:分点深花和点浅花,点深花墨要浓、点浅花要用淡墨。 3.画花蕊和小的枝干。 4.浅淡颜色勾画花蕊,最终完成整幅画面。

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