此曲只应天上有 第二课 - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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مزمار القرع  "ناي القرع" (النهاية)

此曲只应天上有 第二课

Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture introduces Cucurbit Flute(“Hu Lu Si” in Chinese), which is a folk instrument originated in Yunnan Province’s ethnic group in China. Also named as “Hu Lu Xiao” in Chinese, Cucurbit Flute is usually used in folk music like songs sung in the fields during or after work. It is popular for its unique voice, delicate but simple appearance and easiness. Taking Golden Peacock By The Lake as an example, fingerings will be taught by performing this folk-style song. Integrating fingering learning with enjoying the beautiful but simple music, the lecture may lead the students to understand more about folk music in China, and to learn the structures of Cucurbit Flute as well as gestures and fingerings of playing the instrument.

本课程是葫芦丝演奏课,葫芦丝,又称“葫芦箫”,是中国民族民间乐器,是中国云南少数民族乐器,富有浓郁的地方色彩。常用于吹奏山歌、农曲等民间曲调。其音色独特淳朴,外观朴实、精致,简单易学,受到许多音乐爱好者的喜爱。 本次课程教大家葫芦丝的基本指法,选用了一首具有浓郁民族风格的《湖边的金孔雀》片段作为范例。把学习葫芦丝基本演奏方法融于旋律优美、短小精悍的乐曲中,使同学们了解中国民族民间音乐的乐曲风格,初步了解掌握葫芦丝的构造、演奏姿势及基本演奏指法。

General Courses 通用课程