无声胜有声(蒙古舞) - 通用课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

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Etwas ohne Ton ist better als mit Ton  (Mongolische Tanz )


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture for experience introduces Chinese folk dancing. Different ethnic group has its typical folk dancing style. Folk dancing is unique to China. Dancing is a way for people to express emotions, and also shows specific characteristics of an ethnic group. Students can learn custom of a certain ethnic group by learning its dancing style. This lecture introduces Mongolian Folk Dancing, which is closely related to the group’s life of hunting and nomadism. In ancient times, Mongolian created some kinds of dancing by imitating fierce animals like eagles, bears, and lions. The first part of this lecture is demonstration; the second part is detailed introduction of the characteristics of Mongolia and tips of Mongolian Folk Dancing.

本课程是中国民族舞蹈体验课,民族舞是带有民族特色的舞蹈,是我国独有的艺术特色。舞蹈能够通过肢体语言表达自己的喜怒哀乐,也体现着民族的特点,可以通过学习民族舞体验中国的民族风情。 本课程着重教学蒙古舞。蒙古民族的舞蹈文化与他们的狩猎、游牧生活有密切联系。在古代,蒙古族还有很多模仿凶猛动物的舞蹈,如"白海青"(白鹰)舞、熊舞、狮子舞等。本视频课前半部分是示范,后半部分是讲解蒙古游牧民族民族、地区的特色以及动作要领。

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